Wednesday, July 3, 2013


We have been enjoying our new little camper, Opus, as we've named her.  Just like the cartoon penguin that couldn't fly our Opus has everything we need on the inside (despite the lack of wings) to get us there.  She keeps us warm, fed, and rolling along.
Zach and Dax first breakfast in Opus.

We've spent a few weekends breaking her and us in with friends north of town.  Zach rides his bike, Dax plays with friends, and I get out of the house with a nursing infant.  It all works well.

Dax and Thijs having fun.
Zach has been a busy bee filling every tank, checking all the fittings, adding energy sources to places I didn't know we needed.  He added shocks to our lower bunk so we can lift it up and down for extra storage.  Opus is pumped!
Zach and Otto near Prairie Creek

This weekend we are headed to Tahoe for a family gathering.  We can't wait to see everyone and catch up during beach time with the kids.  Opus will be our home for the week and we expect to get to know her well.