Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lupine & Poppies

This is the best time of year for our front yard to shine! The lupine grow large and prominent in our front yard giving off fragrant purple flowers. The red poppies are not to be understated as their blooms are as big as my face and 3/4 of my height. The best part is I don't have to do a thing until they are done blooming!


jeannie said...

I can't believe the size of those flowers! Wish that I could see them. They were all dead unfortunately in August when we visited last. You and Zach are doing such a great job with your yard (and house, too!) Love you!

Regina Joseph Winslow said...

Wow!!!! If only I was lucky enough to have a quarter of your green Thumb! It looks so beautiful out there! Can you get married again this summer so we can come see you :)