Wednesday, January 18, 2012

9 Months

Our baby boy is 9 months today!  I can't believe how much he has changed from when we first met him.

Some 9 month activities:
Pulling himself up
Eating finger foods or anything else mommy puts on his tray (except fruit unless it's hidden)
Walking while holding onto furniture
Splashing in the bathtub (his favorite!)
Laughing at daddy
Helping turn the page while reading books
Waving bye-bye
Pulling Lucy's tail

We love our Dax and as he grows so does our tremendous love for him.


Katherine Jean said...

Isn't it the best, I love this age and seeing them discover new things every day. It is fun to read your blog because our little ones are so close in age. Eliza will be 11 months in a few days, crazy!! Hope we can overlap a trip to Reno sometime.
Katie :)

jeannie said...
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jeannie said...

He is really chinging quickly. I'm glad you are noting the advancements because you'll forget. Great to have the blog to keep me informed and can't wait to see you in a week!! oxox MOM

ian and sarah said...

Time has flown by! Dax is so much fun and we love watching him grow and develop his personality. He's going to be quite an adventurer, just like his parents!