Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Symphony

Last night, Zach, Jean, Nick, and I attended "Broadway Rocks!" at the Sun Valley Pavilion.  It was apart of the annual Sun Valley Summer Symphony that is brought to the community for free each year.  People gather on the grass with blankets and chairs to share food, drink wine, and listen to different musicians from around the world blow your socks off. 

They added a new screen that showed close-ups of the instruments and performers to even the farthest person in the crowd, despite the tourist in there very taboo "high-backed" chairs.

Mountain weather tested our dedication with sudden rain and hail showers.  Thank goodness Jean insisted we bring umbrellas!  We crowded as many friends as we could underneath to stay dry for the 15 minute down pour. 

Despite the weather, everything else: the music, company, and evening was fantastic!  We love this annual event :)

1 comment:

jeannie said...

What a fun event! We should go to our free concerts on the river more often. Next year! oxoxo